Creative Build Server commands!
On the Creative Build server, there are several commands available for players including:
Island commands:
- /clear: clears the player's inventory [Note: you can also do /clearinventory]
- /entrytrust (name): Allows someone to be able to visit your plot [Note: specify "public" to allow everyone]
- /gma, /gmc, /gmp, /gms: These control the game mode a player is in [Adventure, Creative, Spectator, and Survival in preceding order]
- /is home (name): Teleports to your own plot, or the specified player's plot
- /is reset: Resets your plot
- /trust (name): Allows someone to build on your plot
- /trustlist: Check who has been trusted
- /untrust (name): Removes someone from the trust list
WorlEdit commands:
- //copy: Copies the blocks between pos1 and pos2
- //paste: Pastes the blocks copied between pos1 and pos2
- //set (pattern): Sets the blocks between pos1 and pos2 to a new block [Note: "pattern" is the block that's used]
- //setbiome (biome): Sets the biome of the region
- //sphere <pattern> <radius>[,<radius>,<radius>] [raised?]: Creates a sphere with the parameters you set
[Note: left click with a wooden axe to set "pos1" and right click to set "pos2"]
Commands written on signs: [See examples]
- Colored signs: type "&" followed by the color of your choice.
- Give experience levels: line 1: "giveexp", line 2: (positive amount)
- Give item [once]: line 1: "give", line 2: (item)
- Messages [only to the player who accesses it]: line 1: "msg", lines 2-4: (message) [Note: doing %PN makes the message say the player's name]
- Potion effects: line 1: "effect", line 2: (potion effect), line 3: (duration), line 4: (level [#0-4]) [Note: not all the effects work]
- Remove experience levels: line 1: "giveexp", line 2: (negative amount)
- Return to checkpoint: "cp"
- Set block: line 1: "setblockr", line 2: "(x,y,z)" of the desired block change, line 3: ( block)
- Set checkpoint: "setcp"
- Sound effects: line 1: "sound", line 2: (sound effect)
- Teleporting players: line 1: "tpr", line 2: (x-coordinate), line 3: (y-coordinate) line 4: (z-coordinate)