PlayMCG Game Modes
Collect resources from the map and purchase stained glass with the required items from the village trader and defend the glass after placing it in the middle until the timer runs out!
Typical game length: 15 minutes
Block Dash
On each round, you will receive an item. Move to a matching block to avoid falling into lava!
Typical game length: 5 minutes
Block Memory
On each round, the platforms will reveal block types for a short period of time then you will receive an item. Move to a matching block to avoid falling lava!
Typical game length: 5 minutes
Hide and Seek
Players are split into two teams: Hiders and Seekers. The Hiders will hide within the map while the Seekers look for the Hiders.
Typical game length: 8 minutes
Push your team’s Minecart by standing close to it. Stop the opposing team’s Minecart from progressing. Reach and defend your Minecart at the goal Minecart to win!
Typical game length: 15 minutes
Survival Games
Up to 24 players fight against each other with the items they can find in the chest placed around the map! An airdrop chest drops from the sky. Locate it with a compass! At 6 minutes into the game, the border will quickly shrink towards the center.
Typical game length: 10 minutes
Treasure Hunters
Collect the items in the “required items” list, put the items in a chest, and use the firework to launch the chest! The first player to launch all the required items or have the most items launched at the end of the game wins!
Typical game length: 30 minutes