
Being able to mine outside the border

PoofessorP - 2021-08-01 04:59:56 UTC

this doesn't make it so you can just mine out the border and do whatever while avoiding players, it would just be so that if you manage to get stuck to unseen circumstances you still have a chance to get back into the game instead of wasting however much time you spent mining.

Things like no digging down at meetup, skybasing, etc would still apply. It's just a chance for people to survive if they get trapped while mining

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Comments (1)

KaiNoMood - 2021-08-01 07:16:58 UTC

You cannot break blocks outside the border because that's how the Minecraft client was coded. Your client will literally not send a block break action to the server if you're outside the world border. I cannot do anything about it, ask Mojang!

Last update: 2021-08-01 07:17:18 UTC

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