Mob rates have been lowered too much, and now mob farms are NOT effective at all, this makes it so much harder to use mending on tools
+1 Pretty much every mob farm on the server is useless with the current rates.
they did it so kai didnt have to pay as much for the server, but IF people keep donating i think they could
Server resources are not the reason for this change. I was getting complains from new players that find way too many monsters in the overworld and constantly get killed. I tried it as well and yes, it looked like there were way too many monsters.
You might have not felt this is the case anymore because you got good armor/weapons and you have an elytra so you can just fly away, but a lot of new players just quit because it is just too difficult for them to start on the server.
Your mob farms in the overworld might have been slowed down considerably, but that's not the case for other dimensions.
But the other dimensions reset... we have no PERMANENT stability
Also to add other dimensions seem to have lower rates too. I saw someone built an enderman farm in the current end and it's still extremely slow compared to how it should be. Just flying around the main end island you can see there's hardly any around compared to the usual.
The other dimensions resetting is an opportunity for the community to come together and build stuff, even if it's just a simple mob farm.
The nether and the end rates are vanilla. I went to farm Ender Pearls there, it was fine.
Last update: 2023-03-19 13:42:05 UTCThe rates are definitely slower than before.. you used to have entity cramming after less than a minute of a farm being active, that's just not possible now. Sure if you're just farming pearls it's enough, but people don't build these farms to collect pearls
Correction: the nether and the end rates aren't vanilla, but they weren't changed recently. They were changed when the first suggestion about lowering the mob spawning rates has been accepted.
I tried resetting everything to default, then lowering monsters to x0.5 default values in the overworld, and way too many monsters spawned so people started dying again from the insane amount of monsters that spawn.
Now it is x0.2 in the overworld, and I feel like it is still excessive. The rates will be further tweaked again, especially in the nether and the end.
Making sure players do not quit because the server is insanely difficult is much more important than having end-game players mob farms work insanely fast. You can find other ways to repair stuff with mending.
New mob spawn limits:
what if it becomes:
x5 default values in the overworld
x0.14 default values in the mining world
x0.8 default values in the nether
x0.8 default values in the end
i think dieing is a part of it, (respoding to kai) maybe start players should get iron armor. cause all they really have to do is mine 5 or so flint sell it and buy iron. but people dont know that, if new people get armor quick they wont die as often. also make it clear that its full java pvp not bedrock. alot of people die to mobs from spam hitting and it does nothing.
I see gens point. Especially because there's an iron farm right next to spawn, although not everyone notices it, but if you gave them iron armor right off the bat, it wouldn't add almost any advantage.
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