
Remove Fire Aspect and Sharpness books from Randomizer UHC

PrivateLimitless - 2021-02-10 19:10:54 UTC

Fire Aspect and Sharpness are extremely overpowered, and if you are the only person who is able to get them and an anvil then you win. In a game where most times you don't get many golden apples, if any fire aspect is a pretty much guaranteed win for the person who has it, which makes it not enjoyable to play the game when you get killed by someone who has it. Both books take away from the game more than they add to it.

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Comments (5)

KaiNoMood - 2021-02-13 15:08:55 UTC

I'd remove enchanted books then

PrivateLimitless - 2021-02-14 20:48:48 UTC

Do you have to remove all books to get rid of two?

KaiNoMood - 2021-02-24 23:22:23 UTC

What I meant is that most of the other books are junk. Only Protection is left!

PrivateLimitless - 2021-03-02 22:47:19 UTC

I'm okay with their being junk books, just not extremely overpowered and annoying books.

_illu_ - 2021-04-14 15:02:14 UTC

what id you somehow get a fireres potion? Sure, the odds are low but still possible. I once managed to do it, combined ith a Streng 2 and Speed Pot.

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