
/duel (player) (wager) - SMP PvP Suggestion 3:

PrivateLimitless - 2022-09-04 18:04:29 UTC

Honestly, this could work with either a designated Arena world for 1v1s or fighting in the normal world. This would allow players to choose who they would like to fight to the death by placing a coin wager against them. Additionally, it allows for more fair fighting than Suggestion 2 and possibly Suggestion 1 because players can decide with the person they are fighting what gear they are allowed to use during the fight rather than risking someone having better armor/weapons/potion ability than them.

Please look at all three suggestions before making additions to this suggestion page.

Last update: 2022-09-04 18:08:26 UTC

Vote: 5
Comments (10)

Duhbetter - 2022-10-25 14:05:15 UTC

I think to implement a PVP system, it will need to be a combination of things.

  1. Having an arena world that does not reset with a dedicated arena build where pvp would be allowed.
  2. Allowing players to toggle their pvp status. When off, they cannot be hurt nor hurt other players. When on they can deal and take damage.
  3. PVP status would always be toggled off when switching between worlds to prevent accidental deaths.
  4. "PVP-Logging" (changing pvp status during combat) would be considered cheating and bannable.
  5. PVP players would need to accept that dying in the arena could mean they lose their gear, so don't bring/wear anything you aren't willing to lose.

Just some initial thoughts - let's talk more about it!

ShereifAce - 2022-10-25 14:08:25 UTC

I like all these ideas, but with the addition of:
split world pvp and arena pvp
like if we build an arena it should be maybe a safe zone that if someone dies, just TPs outside of it with their gear
but if they enable pvp mode in open world, then they risking losing their stuff to their killer

Sonic_Phantom66 - 2022-10-25 14:26:56 UTC

the idea of having a PVP world/arena sounds fun but i would like to have keep inventory on, this would mean players could bring there best gear without having to worry about losing it, this would also lessen the risk of as Duh pointed out, players toggling of PVP and killing their opponent while being unable to be killed themselves because there would be no point in doing that if there was no gear being dropped for them to potentially steal, overall i prefer the idea of being able to toggle PVP at claims, this would mean me and others players would have the challenge of building an arena themselves and as you pointed out in Idea 1 help with any lore people might be doing but like you also said this would mean there would need to be an alert when entering a claim that has PVP toggled on

PrivateLimitless - 2022-10-25 15:30:53 UTC

These comments sound like they were meant for Suggestion 2 LOL.

"players toggling of PVP and killing their opponent while being unable to be killed themselves because there would be no point in doing that if there was no gear being dropped for them to potentially steal"
Players wouldn't be able to fight if they didn't have PvP toggled. Also, players would be going into the PvP world likely with the purpose of obtaining gear or coins from others, so I don't think keep inventory would make much sense.

Sonic_Phantom66 - 2022-10-25 15:56:27 UTC

i get your point, my view and im guessing Duh's as well was toggling PVP would mean you could not be attacked athough are still able to kill but i guess my toggling of PVP would mean you couldn't attack either would make a lot more sense, as for the second part players may want to do that but from my view i would just like to do it for fun, of course there defiantly would be people willing to have a shot but in my view theres nothing to gain from it, i and a lot of others already have maxed out gear and plently of spare sets so no need to attemt to get more plus even if there was a coin prize i doubt it would be any more than 1000-5000 (depending on how rich the person betting on it is) which anybody can get with a 20 minutes of mining obsidian, now this may be a unpopular opinion and thats fine but i just dont see any prize thats really worth risking all your gear for which is why i would prefer it to be more of a fun arena rather than competative

Sonic_Phantom66 - 2022-10-25 16:00:13 UTC

this is why i prefer the idea of being able to toggle PVP at claims that way anybody can have their own rules for there arena - if somebody wanted an arena where is super competitive and if you die you gear goes to your opponent or you get a coin prize then they could do that but if somebody like me just wanted a fun competition with some of their friends with no prizes and no risk of losing gear then that also can happen, this would also mean you would have to be able to toggle keep inventory to though

PrivateLimitless - 2022-10-25 17:43:48 UTC

"my view and im guessing Duh's as well was toggling PVP would mean you could not be attacked athough are still able to kill"
Duhbetter said in his comment that toggling PvP off would mean that you could not attack or be attacked hehe. See bullet point two.

"even if there was a coin prize i doubt it would be any more than 1000-5000"
I was talking about player-player wagers since this suggestion was for wagering players, so I agree with you that there shouldn't be a coin prize upon killing people (unless the coins that are dropped come from the killed player hehe).

As for keep inventory, I feel like the majority of people would give your stuff back regardless, so it wouldn't really matter although you did address that "a lot of players" (a.k.a. the vast majority of people who would actually PvP) already have multiple sets so it wouldn't matter. The keep inventory or not decision does not matter to me.

Last update: 2022-10-25 17:44:12 UTC

general538643 - 2022-10-25 19:00:47 UTC

i would LOVE pvp, but wouldn't want to lose good gear. i think we should have a pvp arena and keep inventory is on while you are in it. so you can just pvp for fun with your best gear without losing it from dyeing.

KaiNoMood - 2023-03-19 11:06:20 UTC

I don't like the idea that players can toggle their PvP state.

If they're dueling someone, they'll have PvP on for the entire duration of the duel.

ShereifAce - 2023-03-19 19:03:16 UTC

tbh we dont need pvp in smp since there are pvp games in the UHC server
but the /dual could be a fun thing
but how to make that work without the dying player lose their items and without it being abused to keep inventory upon real death danger by just doing /duel

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